Live theater gives our community a sense of hope and it also:

 - Increases opportunities for "self-expression" and enjoyment which relieves stress

 - Reduces delinquency in high-risk youth and promotes neighborhood diversity and inclusivity

 - Attracts tourism and helps the economy for community small business

 - Exposes under privileged youth to the Arts (Through "free ticket" programs)

 - Impacts employee performance and morale and enhances student learning and creativity

 - Promotes a source of pride for our residents (participants and non alike) in the community,

   increasing a sense of connection and awareness

 - Brings a community together to a venue who would otherwise not be involved in a constructive

   social activity

 - Allows a place for our seniors to volunteer and feel useful in the community and interact with

   our youth 

San Gabriel Valley Music Theatre is a 501c3 (Non-profit) Arts Organization  (TAX ID# 20-20-84-728)  whose mission is to provide Musical Theatre for the San Gabriel Valley Community in an environment reinforcing cultural enrichment, and performing opportunities for national, regional and local talent. SGVMT wishes to solidify its ties to the local community and continue the fine heritage of performing arts at venues like the San Gabriel Valley Mission Playhouse.