EJ Lugo John H.& Katherene L. Meisch Dian Littlejohn Basil Johnson
Lupe Delgado Dr. Brian Doerning & Maryann Messina-Doerning Gerry Fagoaga
Ellen Menditto Linda Markmiller Suzanne and Fred Paine Jerry DeLange
Donald E. Teagle, O.D. & Trish Van Abel Teagle / Teagle Optometry Marilyn Holdsworth
Lynda Flygar Carole Buckles Rita & Ryan Smith Alfred Valencia Karen & Jim Bading
Mary Cammarano Carla Witt Cynthia Juvinall Joseph Claro & John Buehler
Mr. & Mrs. Fairman Marilyn Lopez Jean Cone Louise Major Rita Baker
Lavon C. & Larry Walker N. Begerow Michael Lyons John M. Cahoon
Stuart & Virginia Cypherd Susan L. Notheis Sylvia Mathieu
In Memory of Leanne Dickson
Monty & Mary Bernstein Les & Beverly Fedor Albert & Lydia D’Antonio
The Spotlighters The Jeffs (Harold, Karen, Brian & Kari) Lisa & David Delgado
Jerry Durgerian Bill & Mary Payne Patty & Dennis Kelly
In Memory of Ann Durgerian
The Spotlighters
In Memory of Dan Bell
The Spotlighters
Annett Lauppe
Platinum Level ($5,000 - $10,000)
Los Angeles County Arts Commission
Ambassador Level ($1,000 - $2,499)
Lydia & Albert D'Antonio
Mary & Bill Payne Jerry Durgerian
Community Bank Harold Harrigian Bea Barrio Buchman
Fidelity Charitable Fund / Mr. & Mrs. Richard Goodspeed
500 CLUB Members
John Watson Richard Sun Katie Gundersen Les and Beverly Fedor Annett Lauppe Kristin & Bobby Hundley Ray A. Rochelle
Rev. Gary and Rev. Peg Bradley Richard Goodspeed Rosemary Simmons
Lisa & David Delgado Elsie Danis San Marino Rotary Charitable Giving The Spotlighters
Dear Theatre Supporter,
Over the past decade, the San Gabriel Valley Music Theatre has embarked on a vigorous
campaign to bring Broadway musicals back to the San Gabriel Valley and performance
in such historic venues as the legendary San Gabriel Valley Mission Playhouse. In that time
frame, we have made significant strides in increasing audience attendance and building a
donor base by staging such hit musicals as Miss Saigon, Forever Plaid, Flower Drum
Song, Nunsense, South Pacific: In Concert, The King and I and The Sound of Music.
Now we look to you to help us take a giant leap forward.
Our continued success depends on the sponsorship of charitable patrons to enable us to
expand our high quality programming and keep music theatre alive in the San Gabriel
Valley. As your arts organization, you can trust us to remain fiscally responsible. SGVMT
is proud to boast that we have never "debt financed" any performance, never plan to and
currently operating free of debt.
We invite you to please consider becoming a Donor for us, for you, and for our community.
Together we can build our community one musical at a time.
Bobby Hundley
Producing Artistic Director
San Gabriel Valley Music Theatre
CALL or EMAIL to find out more about joining The 500 Club or (626) 399-3876
We have many exciting sponsorship opportunities and benefits including branding, viral
marketing and of course VIP packages to our events. Here is a link to our Donor package (PDF).
Our Donors